

Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Whole 30 Journey... take 2

My hubby and I have dived into the Paleo/Primal lifestyle.  Lately my free time has been spent pouring over Whole9life, nomnompaleo, Mark's Daily Apple, Robb Wolf, among various other blogs.  Obsessive, you say? Perhaps. That's how I am, though.  While many twenty-somethings balance their lives in the happy medium of obsession and stagnant lifestyles, I'm either one or the other.  Frankly, I choose the obsessive since I've never been one for following rules to the "t" if I don't fully commit to the whole "thing".  This way of "whole30" is so restrictive, makes it hard for my bendy brain to find the loopholes and makes it easier to follow.  See? I told you I'm a bit contradictory. Maybe if anyone decides to follow this humble blog of "just another paleo girl", my ramblings on nutrition, food, and love for bacon and chocolate will start to make sense. It may take a while, but I promise it will make sense...eventually.

April 1st, will mark my second whole30 beginning.  My husband, sister in law, and some of her friends have decided to walk next to me on this and I'm excited to see where our progress is marked the most.  Will it be weight loss? Body composition? Energy levels? A loss of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis antibody markers? (READ: me) We shall see.  I'm putting aside my obsession with the scale, the tape, and siding my progress alongside EVERYONE ELSE and ready to fully commit to just recognizing when my body is happy.

Revolutionary, huh?  See how I snuck the name of my blog into the end of my inaugural post? I'm snarky like that.  Learn to love.